Reikan offer a software based solution to autofocus calibration called FoCal. The increments normally take the form of + or - adjustments, on a scale of 20 units either side of 0 or neutral (+20 to -20).
The problem typically is how to go about finding what increment to dial in. Most SLR cameras offer the option of fine tuning the autofocus accuracy somewhere in the menu system. One area that this is perhaps most noticeable in, is the autofocus accuracy. It is a little known fact that most cameras and lenses are all very subtly different, even within the same model, and so will behave (again subtly) differently on different bodies. The advent of super high resolution cameras has forced people to re examine their lenses, both in terms of performance and compatibility. Review: Reikan FoCal Pro AF calibration softwareīy adamhanlon Monday, September 29th, 2014