Animal gay sex video

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“My wife had to stay out of the exhibit with my sleeping son, so I wanted to capture a lot of video. Then this magic happened.” “I was in the gorilla exhibit with my 4-year-old daughter and niece,” he said.

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“I was shocked and had no idea that was a ‘natural’ act,” the videographer, who has opted to remain anonymous, told The Post of the steamy spectacle, which he captured while visiting the iconic NYC zoo with his family. A clip of the NSFW scene is currently blowing up on social media - but animal experts report that it’s all completely normal. Turns out humans aren’t the only ones who get down and dirty for sexual pleasure.Ī pair of frisky gorillas at the Bronx Zoo proved that when one was filmed performing oral sex on its partner in front of aghast zoo-goers. Pandas sit and eat like humans in adorable video - but are they real or fake?

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‘Mastermind’ deer strolls up and down Sam’s Club aisle - without a membership - in caught-on-video incident National Bird Day: Celebrate the kind you are based on your zodiac signĮscaped kangaroo punches cop before being caught by the tail after days on the lam

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